Friday, May 22, 2009

Enemies to Lovers

One of my favorite columns in the Internet Kalauz is the Internet Love Story, if for no other reason, because I also sort of met my love on the internet. 

My story that I want to share with you and the readers is different from those written about in the column before. Here we ‘only’ realize that the internet is able to dissolve prejudices and how it can make us realize that ‘it is only with the heart that we can see clearly, what is important is invisible to the eye” (saint-Exupery) 

The entire thing began around September of ’98 when I was hopelessly and I mean hopelessly in love with Aniko. Unfortunately she believed the several rumors circulating about me around school even though 101% of them are craziness. When she heard my name she wanted to jump out the window and that made me very sad. We have not spoken a word to each other yet she hated me. There was nothing I could do since she was not willing to talk with me. 

I thought the only thing that would help here is a miracle. What could that miracle be? The Internet, of course, and a huge dose of coincidence. One afternoon I was at the computer club when I looked at the personal ads. As I was flipping among the ads I saw her name. That's when the cyber-lightning struck! I arranged for an e-mail address for myself under Freemail just so I could correspond with her. Other than giving her my name, I wrote only things about me that were true. The result of all this was that we fell in love. I virtually became two people: one Aniko was in love with and the other she hated! I felt pretty weird every time she complimented me but I could peel out only the person that I loved and who loved me. 

Then came phase two! I wrote her an e-mail under my own name with my old e-mail address that I would like to meet her and would like for her to really get to know me, and by-the-way I really liked her. The answer was a unanimous rejection saying she already had a boyfriend (if she only knew that it was me) and that I should leave her alone forever. At the same time she was on wonderful terms with my alias, told me she loved me and if I was such a wonderful person she didn't even care what I looked like and would like to meet me in person. Now comes the Happy End: we arranged when and where to meet. She waited there and I approached timidly. The initial reception was the usual until she realized that she was waiting for me. I convinced her to listen to me and then I quoted her a few lines from the poem that my ‘other’ side sent her in e-mail. We embraced, kissed and are in love ever since, which I sincerely hope will continue for a long time. 

The moral of this story is that if we treat anonymity with care and don't overdo it, it can be a distinct advantage that we don't see each other. In any case, we are very happy now and I have the internet to thank for it. Although I don't know what would have happened if she was not listed in the personals. Things would have turned out very differently, I may have forgotten her by then. A few clicks on the mouse can change your whole life. If this didn't happen to me I would probably not believe it possible.

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